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Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. – Genesis 2:25

Before they sinned, Adam and Eve were completely nude (nekkid, if you are from the southern US), yet they felt no shame. Why? Well, before they sinned, they had nothing to hide from God. Their relationship with their Creator was perfect, lacking any flaw or blemish. Of course, all that changed after the Fall.

When we lived in one West African city, there was a man who walked around without any clothes. Of course, his nudity was not the result of a wonderful, sinless relationship with His Creator. He was mentally ill. He either did not realize he was naked or simply did not care. He was too far gone to realize the degraded state of his existence.

Many people in our country, our continent, and our world are just as blind to their sin, their nakedness and shame before God. Others are aware of it and simply don't care. Like the man in Africa, they are sick and need the Physician to heal them. God has made a way in Christ Jesus for us all to be “clothed.”

How wonderful it is to live in perfect relationship to God through the blood of His Son. Yet, how sad when a person will not.

The secret thoughts of a man run over all things holy, profane, clean, obscene, grave, and light without shame or blame. – Thomas Hobbes

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