But the LORD was with Joseph and extended kindness to him. He granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. - Genesis 39:21
Have you ever thought that your walk with God just didn't make sense? Seems to me that Joseph must have thought so, at least once or twice! God gave Joseph two dreams of greatness, but at the point in his story mentioned above he had already been kidnapped, falsely accused of rape, and put in prison.
Not exactly what one would call "the path to greatness," huh?
Joseph's life, as it turns out, is a good illustration of an eternal truth. The blessing and benevolence of God does not guarantee our physical comfort. The Lord was with Joseph. The Lord extended kindness to Joseph. The Lord granted Joseph favor. Yet, in spite of all this, Joseph sat in prison.
Sometimes God's plans will surpass our understanding. His methods may as well. We might even understand the "ends," but not the "means" to His "ends." Yet, we can be sure of this: God is accomplishing IN us everything that He wants to do THROUGH us and while it may not always make sense, there are no contradictions.
A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. - Jean de La Fontaine