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No Longer Slaves

That slave whose master finds him working when he comes will be rewarded. - Matthew 24:46

For some, I know the use of the term "slave" instead of "servant" can be a difficult substitution when speaking of a child of God. Particularly, for Americans, the term carries a lot of negative historical meaning, but when it comes to our relationship with Christ I am convinced that we need to embrace it.

We were "slaves" to our sin, in chains, oppressed, owned, but Christ redeemed us, freed us by His own precious blood. He purchased us, bought us and set us free, yes, free. Yet, as those who love Him we willingly submit to Him now as our only Master, freely binding ourselves to His service.

Why? Why would anyone willingly become the slave of another? Because He loves us, completely, eternally, for our own good, His glory, and His divine purpose. The reward is to serve Him, to know His good pleasure, and it is forever.

Don’t work only while being watched, in order to please men, but as slaves of Christ, do God’s will from your heart. - Paul (Ephesians 6:6)

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