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Not Many

Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment; for we all stumble in many ways. - James 3:1

I love to teach and I have often wondered if it is in my "DNA"

My mother was a teacher. My brother was a teacher. My father wasn't a professional teacher, but he did a lot of public speaking. My uncle was a lawyer and judge. Teaching, for me, has always been one of the more enjoyable aspects of pastoring. To see someone grasp a spiritual truth for the first time is very rewarding.

However, as much as I enjoyed teaching God's Word, it causes me to tremble.

Why? Well, two reasons. First, I am accountable to God for "what" I teach. Is it biblically accurate? Is it true to His purposes and attributes? Second, I am accountable to God for "who" I teach? Am I leading those I teach to a greater understanding of Christ? To a deeper relationship with Him?

Lord, help all who teach to never cause another to stumble and when we do, thank you for the grace necessary to make the corrections.

A teacher who is not dogmatic is simply a teacher who is not teaching.- G.K. Chesterton

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