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O Blessed Sight!

Even to this day, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts, but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. We are not like Moses, who used to put a veil over his face so that the Israelites could not stare at the end of what was fading away, but their minds were closed. For to this day, at the reading of the old covenant, the same veil remains; it is not lifted, because it is set aside only in Christ. – 2 Corinthians 3:13-16

It is a special privilege to witness the change that occurs in a person’s life when he or she is transformed by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit. In many cases, the difference is almost immediately discernible. These persons are truly new creations in Christ. Prior to their salvation, they will remark about how they read the bible, but gained nothing from it. Yet, after having received Christ's free gift of redemption and the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Scriptures came to life and began to make sense!

When a person is born again, the veil of ignorance (not stupidity, just blindness) is removed and the "light" of God's glory enters into their mind, will, and emotions. As the veil that separated us from God was torn at Christ's death, barriers to spiritual understanding are torn away at our new birth. Where once there was the inability to understand God’s work in the world, a soul that belongs to Christ begins to grow through the partnership of God’s truth with His Spirit.

In a hymn that is familiar to many (believing or not) persons in this world, we find these words, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, blind, but now I see.” O blessed “sight” that allows me to “see” what Christ has done (and is doing) in me!

Give up the struggle and the fight; relax in the omnipotence of the Lord Jesus; look up into His lovely face and as you behold Him, He will transform you into His likeness. You do the beholding. He does the transforming. There is no short-cut to holiness. – Alan Redpath

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