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Obtaining Spiritual Clarity

I still have many things to tell you, but you can't bear them now. - John 16:12

On the eve of His crucifixion, Jesus had a lot to say, yet it was obvious from the disciples' questions that they didn't comprehend much of it. Of course, the Son of God knew this, but took the opportunity to embed some truth in the knowledge that Someone was coming who would bring it all back to their remembrance.

In the same way we who now follow Christ, understand and remember what the Lord says to us. We are not of superior intelligence, just possessors of a superior Person, the Holy Spirit. Therefore, confusion, if present, can only be attributed to one of two sources. Either we are not His "temple" or our flesh has muddled our thinking.

God's Word is clear. His Spirit does not confuse. As the heat and light of His presence rise in our understanding, the fog of our ignorance dissipates and ultimately disappears.

Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined; till at His second bidding darkness fled, light shone, and order from disorder sprung. - John Milton

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