Therefore, when many of His disciples heard this, they said, "This teaching is hard! Who can accept it?" - John 6:60
While Jesus attracted a crowd, it is also clear that He was never impressed by it. In fact, His words sometimes seemed to be aimed at dispersing it!
Jesus was truth personified; therefore, when He spoke, His words and His life confronted the lies of those who had been following Him. For some who followed, this light (of truth) was too bright and they chose to leave.
Be wary of a leader whose ministry never diminishes. Those who present a true Gospel will have a ministry that ebbs and flows, increases and decreases. When unmitigated, undiluted truth is presented, some "followers" will receive it with joy, change, and grow by it. On the other hand, others will reject the truth and usually fight or flee.
Truth abhors compromise and makes complacency impossible. Jesus was the author of truth. If you truly follow Jesus, then do not be surprised if sometimes others do not follow you, and if no one is ever offended by your words, perhaps you have ceased to speak all that Christ demands.
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't. - Mark Twain