Since he would not be persuaded, we stopped talking and simply said, "The Lord's will be done!" - Acts 21:14
There have been moments in my life when the future was a little less than certain. At times like these, I often sought the counsel of godly men, friends and brothers who could offer their insight and advice.
Have you ever needed some good, solid, biblical advice? I have, and sometimes I have heeded what I have received and at other times, I have not. Paul's friends gave him their counsel concerning his return to Jerusalem. They told him that he should not go there because danger was a certainty. Paul, however, did not heed their counsel because he was convinced that he must return in spite of any danger. Were Paul's friends offended by his refusal? Not at all. They did their best to convince him of the wisdom of their counsel, but ultimately they left Paul (and his direction) in the hands of the Lord.
Whether you are giving advice or receiving it, you must realize that God will determine the future according to His will and purpose. Certainly, be persuasive when you are convinced of your position, but ultimately we must all trust in the Lord and His plan.
Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it. - Benjamin Franklin