Aaron will lay both his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the Israelites' wrongdoings and rebellious acts -- all their sins. - Leviticus 16:21
Once each year, on the day proscribed by God, the high priest of Israel would be brought two goats. One of the goats would be killed and its blood sprinkled upon the mercy seat (the lid of the ark of the covenant) within the holy of holies (the innermost room of the Tabernacle). The other goat, the "scapegoat" chosen by lot, would undergo the ritual described in Lev. 16:21. It would then be led outside the camp of the Israelites into the wilderness to symbolically carry away their sins.
Today, according to those who have visited it, the place where Jesus was supposedly crucified looks like a garbage dump above a busy, smelly bus stop. Apparently, it is only visible through a fence bordering the Garden Tomb. I have never been there, but I take their word for it.
Eternal significance often trumps temporal grandeur when it comes to the history of our faith. On a nondescript hill outside the "camp," our Savior removed the sins of the condemned, and carried them all away. One time, for all time.
Come, and see the victories of the cross. Christ's wounds are your healings, His agonies your rest, His conflicts your conquests, His groans your songs, His pains your ease, His shame your glory, His death your life, His sufferings your salvation. - Matthew Henry