They feared YHWH and served their own gods according to the custom of the nations from among whom they had been carried away into exile. - 2 Kings 17:33
People today, like the ancient Assyrians, prefer to keep their options open.
When the Assyrians attempted to occupy Israel after massive deportations, God sent lions into the land to kill them. As you might expect, this produced more than a little respect for Israel's God and so the Assyrians "feared YHWH and served their own gods."
This type of syncretistic faith is prevalent in the 21st century as well. Today, it is popular to dabble in all religions and considering them equal in merit, because "no one really knows which is best anyway."
While it may sound wise to cover all of your spiritual bases, in reality the results can prove disastrous. Jesus said that He was the way, the truth, and the life, meaning that there can be no other way, truth, or life apart from Him. Any attempt to have it all will result in eternal loss of the same. The test might be multiple choice, but there is only one true answer.
To fear the LORD is to serve Him only.
Not only do we not know God except through Jesus Christ; We do not even know ourselves except through Jesus Christ. - Blaise Pascal