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Only Repentance

Why then have you despised the command of the Lord by doing what I consider evil? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife as your own wife — you murdered him with the Ammonite’s sword. - 2 Samuel 12:9

The story of King David's life is instructive in many ways, but perhaps none more than in his sinful actions and subsequent repentance surrounding his adultery with Bathsheba. From this episode, we learn how quickly the life of a leader, and the lives of those around him can be destroyed by what began as simple complacency and a lack of self-discipline. David failed to guard his eyes and his heart, allowing a temptation to conceive and become destructive sin.

Perhaps David thought that Uriah's death at the hand of an Ammonite might is some way dissolve his own responsibility and guilt. It is even possible that David was concerned that if the truth came out, the kingdom would be destroyed, thereby justifying his actions as necessary for its protection. All we do know is that ultimately the king owned his failings, threw himself upon the mercy of the Father, and was forgiven (with serious consequences).

God defines sin, not man, not a leader, and not a government. Even if an "evolving" leader comes to see sin differently, even if they have someone or something else commit the deed on their behalf, their fingerprints are still on the sword.

Only repentance can bring mercy.

Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise. - Francis Bacon

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