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Passing His Review

For this reason the gospel was also preached to [those who are now] dead, so that, although they might be judged by men in the fleshly realm, they might live by God in the spiritual realm. - 1 Peter 4:6

In the long run, whose judgment of our lives truly matters?

The answer is, of course, the judgment of God but we also need to learn how to welcome and invite earthly accountability. Peter wrote elsewhere that if a person is to suffer, then let him suffer for doing good. Well, we all know that sometimes we suffer even when we have done nothing wrong, when we are falsely accused. So, while we may fall under false judgment in this world, we must remember that we won't in the next, where it really matters. God's evaluation is always accurate.

For many full-time missionaries, their entire first term is an evaluation. Frankly, when we went through this back in 2009-10, I rankled (at first) at having our service evaluated (considering our ages and experience in ministry). God, of course, soon reminded me that this was just fleshly pride and I became very thankful for the wisdom shared by those who had lived and worked overseas longer than we had. We were better off for it. After all, what would make the biggest difference in the Kingdom, our résumé's or a continuing desire to learn and grow in our ability to serve?

The answer is obvious isn't it? Be Christ. Be a servant. Crucify pride. Be a learner and through it all, be a witness, and then it will be possible to pass His review.

There is nothing so skillful in its own defense as imperious pride. - Helen Hunt Jackson

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