The good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come. - Matthew 24:14
As we continue to make a life in a new place and a new home, I am reminded of a question I have asked myself repeatedly over the past few years. That question is, "Why are we here?" Of all the possible answers, one stands out and it is an answer suggested by Matthew 24:14. When the good news of the kingdom (of God and His Son Jesus Christ in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit) is proclaimed to every people group on earth, the end will come, and with it the imminent return of the King.
In our various roles over the past decade, my wife and I have had the privilege of playing some part in seeing that many of the hidden peoples of the world, those who have never heard, have the good news proclaimed to them, but this commission from Jesus was not just delivered to us. It was primarily given, in my opinion, to the local church and THAT is why we're all still here.
The question is will you go, will you tell, or will you send? What part will you play in the return of the King?
Faith takes God without any ifs. - D. L. Moody