And the good news must first be proclaimed to all nations. - Mark 13:10
If there is a single event that will mark the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ, it will be the proclamation of the gospel to all the peoples (people groups) of the world.
Folks haggle over end-time prophecies in hopes of predicting the Savior's return, yet spend little or no effort working to accomplish the one task over which we have been given earthly authority and control. While some doors in some countries may be closed to overt missionary activity, there are few barriers to the covert, personal sharing of one's faith in Christ.
Note to readers: we have never been commanded to "convert," only to "proclaim." The missing link is our own obedience and submission to Christ's command. Conversions will surely come as God works in the hearts of those we encounter with biblical truth, but first there must be an encounter. We must proclaim.
To be clear, we cannot bring back the King of kings, but we must surely be about His business until He comes.
How little chance the Holy Spirit has nowadays; the church and missionary societies have so bound Him in red tape that they practically ask Him to sit in a corner while they do the work themselves. - C. T. Studd