I have placed My bow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. – Genesis 9:13
In the Scriptures, we read where God often gave signs to indicate various covenants with His creation. For example, there are the rainbow, circumcision, and the greatest one of all, the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus.
This caused me to wonder, "Do I keep my promises, my contracts, my covenants? What signs do I give that I will honor them? Since I'm not a rainbow-maker, what assurances can I give to others of my character or integrity?"
The answer at which I arrived came down to behavior. Am I faithful in the little things? When I say I will do something, do I do it? On time? Completely? With a Christ-like attitude? Faithfulness, loyalty, and integrity may be observed in a person's momentary obedience, but they can only be affirmed over a lifetime. And if these attributes are mine (and yours), like a rainbow, they will appear when they are needed the most.
Calamity is the test of integrity. – Samuel Richardson