None of the good promises YHWH had made to the house of Israel failed. Everything was fulfilled. - Joshua 21:45
Do you keep all your promises? If not, why not?
Well, maybe the situation changed or you promised more than you could keep or some other event intervened that was beyond your control. There are many circumstances that can cause us to fail to keep the promises we make and, yes, we sometimes fail.
On the other hand, God never fails! He always keeps His promises, be it a promise to bless or a promise to punish. According to Scripture, God has promised many things to those who love Him and even if the situation or circumstances change, even if the promise seems to be beyond anyone's ability to fulfill, even if the elements themselves should disappear ...
... ALL the promises of God remain.
In order to make a person disappear, just ask him to fulfill his promises. - Mason Cooley