Then, willing to gratify the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. And after having Jesus flogged, he handed Him over to be crucified. - Mark 15:15
Leadership by consensus is akin to a sailor allowing his direction to be determined solely by the wind. While the captain of a ship should always take into account the wind's direction, it cannot be the sole determinant of destination. In the same way, a leader must be certain of his destination before he "sets sail," because the "wind" of public opinion is fickle, varied, and ever-changing.
A mark of a good sailor (and good leadership) is the ability to "read the wind" and use it to gain the force necessary to accomplish the best direction. Of course, in a storm, a ship's captain may have to drop sail altogether and wait it out. The same might be said of a leader, but ultimately the organization must be driven by purpose, not opinion.
Of course, where the body of Christ is concerned, it is His opinion that matters most.
Politics: the art of obtaining money from the rich and votes from the poor on the pretext of protecting each other from the other. - Oscar Ameringer