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So the Scripture was fulfilled that says: And He was counted among outlaws. - Mark 15:28

In the past, I have commented on the need for the church (the Body of Christ) to maintain a radical posture in a world system that stands in opposition to her. "Radical" is not just a position for some of us, it should be the attitude of all of us. Our example is Christ Himself who happened to be the greatest radical who ever lived.

Jesus of Nazareth lived and died an outcast, despised and rejected. He often walked with those whom society deemed unworthy and even ended His life on a cross between two thieves. While perfectly upholding the Law of God, He was labeled as one who lived outside of it. He ate and drank with sinners, yet never sinned or compromised His person or character. Even when He was pushed toward growing popularity He made it clear that this was not His aim.

Jesus died an outlaw upholding God's law so that we who were truly outcast might be saved by grace through faith. Radical.

We are bid to take, not to make our cross. - William Gurnall

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