The LORD then said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled the disgrace of Egypt away from you." Therefore, that place has been called Gilgal to this day. - Joshua 5:9
Where is your Gilgal?
Before the Israelites could defeat Jericho and begin to take possession of the land God promised their ancestors, all the young men had to be circumcised. This act of obedience would show God that they were mindful of His covenant relationship and serious about their own obedience. As a result of their obedience, the shame and disgrace of Egypt was "rolled away" (the meaning of the word 'Gilgal').
Has your shame and disgrace been "rolled away?"
If your heart belongs to Christ, then the only answer is, "Yes!" The death of Christ on the Cross rolled away the shame you had been carrying all your life. You have been purified by His precious blood and your heart has been "circumcised" forever.
This is your Gilgal.
We should be ashamed of our pride, but never proud of our shame. - Anonymous