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Selfish Anger is Idolatry

But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust Me to show My holiness in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this assembly into the land I have given them." - Numbers 20:12

We know from the biblical record that Moses and Aaron sinned against God at Meriba. God had told them to "speak" to the rock and then the water would flow, but instead Moses "struck" the rock, twice.

What, exactly, was the nature of their sin? Was it disobedience? Sure, but it was also more.


When the two leaders stood before the people, Moses said, "Listen you rebels! Must we bring water out of this rock for you?" (emphasis mine) You see, their sin was more than disobedience. It was idolatry. In the heat of the moment, Moses and Aaron took a position reserved for God alone. They considered the insubordination of the people as personal rebellion against themselves and their leadership, not just a seditious act toward God. They took it as a personal offense and as a result, lost their opportunity to lead.

Our selfish anger can be a form of idolatry and the leader who allows it to control his decisions may one day find himself with nothing, and no one, to lead.


Anger is a short madness. - Horace

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