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Send the Light!

One person could not see another, and for three days they did not move from where they were. Yet all the Israelites had light where they lived. - Exodus 10:23

What would it be like to live in complete darkness?

I once was involved in taking an inventory of underground mining equipment in Kentucky. To capture the full effect, the supervisor had me turn out my headlamp for a minute or two. The result was that, as you might expect, I could not see a thing, anywhere, nothing and if he had not known the way out, if we had not had the light, we would have been lost forever. It was very unsettling.

I wonder if that is how the Egyptians felt when God turned out the lights. Totally lost, no light for three whole days. The Bible says that they couldn't even move. They were powerless to change their condition and stuck in the darkness.

There are thousands of people groups in the world that live in total darkness with no access to the "light" of truth in Jesus Christ? Did you also know that many of these peoples have a "proximate" church that could easily reach them if empowered to do so? Shouldn't we who understand the need and have the resources do something about it, come alongside our brothers and sisters to dispel the darkness?

All they need is someone like you with the light of Christ to show the way.

Confusion heard His voice, and wild uproar stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined; till at His second bidding darkness fled, light shone, and order from disorder sprung. - John Milton

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