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Adonijah son of Haggith kept exalting himself, saying, "I will be king!" - 1 Kings 1:5

In your own personal search for significance, it is natural to have a desire to be "somebody," to have your life ultimately make a difference.

Many years ago, I was required to read a book titled Inside Out by Larry Crabb. In this book, Dr. Crabb pointed out two longings that seem to exist in the heart of every "fallen" human being:

1.  The Longing for Relationship

2.  The Longing for Significance

Crabb indicated that almost every emotional, mental problem one faces could be traced to man's attempt to fulfill these God-given desires apart from a personal relationship with Him. The premise of his book was that the pastoral counselor needed to understand this biblical principle and peel back the layers of the "presenting" problem in order to reveal the true problem, a broken relationship with the Creator.

Perhaps, like Adonijah, you long to be a "king." Well, first you must be surrendered to the King, and if you will first find significance in Christ, you will never feel insignificant again.

Trees have their seasons at certain times of the year when they bring forth fruit; but a Christian is for all seasons. - Ralph Brownrig

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