Then I said, "What should I do, Lord?" And the Lord told me, "Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told about everything that is assigned for you to do." - Acts 22:10
Don't you wish life came with a roadmap, or better yet, a GPS? It would be nice to be able to anticipate every hazard or detour and know your exact "life location" at any moment. Of course to possess such information would mean that one was walking by "sight" and not by "faith." With such a tool, independence would be encouraged and dependence upon the Lord would be unnecessary.
When Saul, in the blind, asked Jesus what he should do after the Damascus Road experience, the Lord told him to continue on to that city where He would reveal His next instructions. Sometimes God asks us to do the simplest of things in order that He might reveal a more expanded picture of our future. Paul had to dependently wait upon the Lord.
The question is, "Are we willing to do the small and mundane in order to understand and inherit the large and magnificent?"
Jesus said He was going to unleash a movement that would be so powerful and intense that it would be unstoppable. The movement was the church. - Thom Rainer