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Some Thing or Some One

Then Manoah said to Him, "What is Your name, so that we may honor You when Your words come true?'" "Why do you ask My name," the Angel of YHWH asked him, "since it is wonderful." - Judges 13:17-18

In my opinion, this passage provides one of the clearest examples of a Christophany (a suspected, pre-incarnate appearance of the Messiah, the Son of God) in the Bible.

The Angel of YHWH (whose name is self-described as "wonderful" and who is identified as "God" by Manoah) appeared to Manoah and his wife to let them know that she would conceive and give birth to Samson (the legendary judge of Israel).When Manoah expressed a desire to know the Angel's name, the Angel (= Messenger) did not give it. He only described it, then inquired as to the purpose of Manoah's request.

Apparently, Manoah was unwilling to give honor to God until God fulfilled His promise of Samson's birth. If this is true, then Manoah was more interested in God's provision than His Person. Obviously, God met Manoah where he was and accomplished His plan, but the lesson should be clear. While the Lord is willing to meet our needs, He wants us to know Him and desire Him in the process.

Crying out to the Lord is not the same thing as crying out for Him, and we need to determine if the object of our desire is some thing or some one if the relationship is to prove true.

Acquaint thyself with God. - A. W. Tozer

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