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The Consecrated Life

Once a year Aaron is to perform the purification rite on the horns of the altar. Throughout your generations he is to perform the purification rite for it once a year, with the blood of the sin offering for atonement. The altar is especially holy to the LORD. - Exodus 30:10

Many things (items) which were used in the Old Testament Tabernacle service were consecrated to the Lord. In fact, everything was. From the altar of sacrifice to the altar of incense, from the priests' clothing to the ark of the covenant, all things were dedicated to the Lord's service.

When you stop to examine your life, how much of it is "holy to the LORD?"

Have you given a part or the whole? While we may understand that Christians should also be known as "saints," we sometimes forget that to be a saint means to be completely consecrated or devoted to God, to be in fact, holy (set apart for unique service). Each action, each consideration, each thought, each intention, each idea, each word, each decision must be utterly and completely devoted.

Every single part of your being belongs to God.

For the Christ-follower, Sunday is not the only day set apart for God's service. It is simply the day when we practice and put on display an entirely consecrated life (composed of moments, days, weeks, and years). Sunday should not be all we do for Christ. It should be representative of a life completely lived unto the Lord.

It does not take great men to do great things; it only takes consecrated men. - Phillip Brooks

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