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The Ends of Our Means

Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them deliver you in the time of your oppression. - Judges 10:14

As every student of the Scriptures knows, the Book of Judges is the repeated history of a rebellious people. In a sense, it reminds us of how grateful we should be that our own history is not preserved for the ages!

In the centuries sandwiched between the entrance into Canaan and Samuel's arrival, Israel followed a pattern of idolatry, oppression, repentance, obedience, and failure, and while God did not grow weary of their cries for deliverance, He often reminded them of the futility of their broken, twisted ways. As His people slipped into another round of disobedience and life for them began to unravel, the Lord would let them bask in the aftermath of their poor choices until the pain became unbearable.

While God will never abandon those who belong to Him (in Christ), He often allows His possession to experience the "ends" of their "means," just enough rope with which to hang ourselves. His silence in such agony is just another way of communicating the inevitable lesson to be learned. Understanding will eventually come for those who desire it, but not without some struggle and gasping for some divine air.

God is responsible for the consequences of our obedience, we are responsible for the consequences of our disobedience - Charles Stanley

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