"What have I done now?" protested David. "It was just a question." - 1 Samuel 17:29
Are you the person in the room (or the meeting) who always seems to ask the "uncomfortable" question?
When David, the shepherd-boy, heard Goliath (the Philistine) mocking God, he asked the Israelite soldiers why they had not taken action to shut the giant up. David's brother took offense at David's question and accused him of arrogance and impure motives. The fact was that David's brother and many of the other soldiers were cowards and David's innocent question had brought that cowardice to light. Eliab's anger and reaction to David was a weak attempt to deflect his own shame.
There are three questions that will often shatter the security of the complacent. They are, "Why?" "Why not?" and, "So what?" When the objective is to maintain the "status quo" of an organization or methodology these questions will inevitably invite the animosity and anger of those whose identity is most wrapped up in its preservation. It may involve their career or perhaps their reputation, but they will fight when they are provoked. These questions may provoke leaders to reevaluate the purpose of their organization and even its very existence. This, for many, is a frightening prospect. So, what should you do?
Ask anyway! Change will come no other way, and the "giants" must die.
A prudent question is one-half of wisdom. - Francis Bacon