Shouldn't you also have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I had mercy on you? - Matthew 18:33
This question came from the story Jesus shared about the unforgiving slave. While the slave's enormous debt had been forgiven, he refused to forget or forgive the smaller debt of another. The picture and lesson are very clear. How can we not forgive others when we consider the enormity of all that Christ has forgiven us?
How often have we been wronged and held tightly to our "right" to be vindicated? While we hold tightly to our righteous indignation we soon discover that the only thing we're strangling is the joy out of our own life. We've all been wronged, but we've all also wronged others, presenting two requirements that we must meet.
We must extend mercy and we must admit our sin. The greatest cure for an unforgiving spirit is simply the acknowledgement of personal sin.
Those who partake only of the spiritual food provided in the Bible on Sundays at a church service will end up spiritually malnourished. No one can live on a single meal a week. - Kevin Harney