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The Hard Way

It must not be like that among you. - Matthew 20:26

Will you be famous?

As the disciples approached Jerusalem with Jesus for the last time, the mother of James and John made a simple request. She asked the Lord to give her boys special recognition in His kingdom. Of course we're not given the entire context, but it seems to me that the "Sons of Thunder" may have been real "mama's boys" and too embarrassed to ask for themselves. It is even possible that they weren't fully aware of her intent. Then again, they probably just didn't fully understand God's plan and how it was going to be implemented. What we do know is that they certainly learned the cost of following Christ.

Pursuing prominence, popularity, or power is not the path to glory with God. Jesus shunned the spotlight until it eventually illuminated His suffering and glorified the Father. Like James and John, most of us eventually gain this understanding, it's just that it usually comes the hard way, through the blessing of humiliation.

True freedom is found in bondage to Christ. - Daily Bread

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