Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15
Having pastored with little or no staff for most of my local church ministry, I often find myself performing many different tasks (janitor, property manager, lawncare, youth leader, worship leader, etc.). With my loyalties divided, I am sometimes tempted to neglect the depth of study necessary for good sermon preparation. Yet, of all the tasks that a pastor must not neglect, certainly preparing to teach/preach God's Word is the greatest.
There is no more important work for the pastor than correctly teaching the Word of truth. We want our churches to be friendly, caring examples of the body of Christ, but we also want them to be biblically-grounded. The pastor who neglects the study, he will soon find himself neglecting the church.
Men of God, let us be diligent in the matter of teaching the word of truth!
Perhaps the greatest miracle of all is that the God who created all there is, who is ultimate perfection, who could choose anything or anyone to do His work, still chooses to use us! - Lawrence Kimbrough