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The Power in the Prayer of Jabez

Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. - 1 Chronicles 4:9

Many things have been written about the prayer of Jabez. I'm pretty sure I even preached a sermon series on it once. But having studied these verses (in context), I wondered if perhaps more emphasis was being placed on the prayer rather than the character of the man who prayed it, or to Whom it was prayed.

James wrote, "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much."

It seems that the power in the prayer of Jabez was not contained in what he said, but substantiated by the surrendered heart of the man who said it; therefore, the challenge for each of us is not so much in what we say to God, but that we say it to Him from a surrendered, justified heart.

May we all allow the Lord to refine our character into the likeness of our Savior in order that our supplications may match the eternal end that He seeks for us all.


Calamity is the test of integrity. - Samuel Richardson

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