Now please let your servant remain here as my lord's slave, in place of the boy. Let him go back with his brothers. - Genesis 44:33

Are you familiar with the old proverb that states, "the proof is in the pudding?" The original version was longer and read, "The proof is in the eating of the pudding," and it meant that in order for something to be completely tested you had to experience it personally. When applied to personal character issues, one might say that our words are validated by our actions and though we may make claims about our character, the actions themselves are verifiable proof of our claims.
Judah promised his father (Jacob) that he would take care of his younger brother (Benjamin) when they returned to Egypt for more supplies. Joseph's actions (in falsely accusing Benjamin of theft) tested Judah's sincerity and provided the evidence that Joseph was apparently seeking of his brother's true change of heart. Because Judah was willing to offer his own life in exchange for Benjamin's, we know that his intentions were both noble and true.
The only way to maintain a good reputation is to consistently act with integrity, to have your actions agree with your words. Remember, the proof is in the pudding and sometimes you may need to eat it in order to prove it.
A building has integrity just like a man, and just as seldom. - Ayn Rand