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The Thorny Path

Listen! Consider the sower who went out to sow. - Mark 4:13

The Parable of the Sower is one of the most recognizable illustrations in all of Scripture. Many theologians and preachers have offered their take on what each "seed" represents and here's my shot.

1) The seed that Satan steals represents one who never was truly converted. 2) The seed on rocky soil represents the believer whose expression of faith could not survive under the pressure of persecution. 3) The seed that was choked by thorns represents the believer who chose the things of this world over Christ's service. 4) Of course, the fourth seed represents those believers who serve faithfully and bear fruit according to God's will for their lives.

Which seed concerns me the most? It would have to be number 3. How often do we stumble or see our witness "choked off" by the pressures and pleasures of this world? How often do we compromise on biblical truth for the sake of social acceptance.

As throughout history, our faith is now being challenged in ways we would never have expected. Will our churches continue to accommodate those who claim to know Christ, yet deny His Word or will they challenge them biblically on how they should live before God and man. A hard line is being drawn and we must choose or see our fruit choked out by thorns.

All we have, every gift, each moment, each ability, is given by the hand of a loving God. Ultimately these things are not ours. They never were, and they never will be. - Kevin Harney

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