I, Paul, as an elderly man and now also as a prisoner of Christ Jesus, appeal to you for my child, whom I fathered while in chains -- Onesimus. - Philemon 9-10
Paul wrote this short letter to his "child in the faith" (Philemon) about another "child in the faith" (Onesimus) in order that his two "children in the faith" might be reconciled to one another. Apparently, Onesimus (a slave) had fled (his master) Philemon's home and had taken a few things along for the journey, only to meet Paul and his Savior as he fled. After some time and mentoring on Paul's part, Onesimus needed to return to his earthly master and Philemon needed to offer his former salve forgiveness.
For reconciliation to occur, everyone involved in the offense must surrender to Christ's love and His purposes. In this case, even Paul (who brokered the reconciliation) was included. Forgiveness and restoration is never a solo endeavor.
While it is never easy, it is always worth the effort, for in it, Christ is glorified.
Suffering lightly borne is constructive work, for pain conquered is power. - L. Dougall