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Time to Draw "Swords"

Jesus told them, "Are you not deceived because you don't know the Scriptures or the power of God?" - Mark 12:24

Private and corporate theological heresy may originate from many sources. Sometimes it comes from long-held traditional beliefs and at other times from an agenda intended to deceive and/or abuse. One thing is certain, in every situation, such error is only successful among those who do not comprehend God's Word. The greatest defense against any lie is truth. Those who do not possess God's truth (and do not know where to find it) remain vulnerable and open to any and all deception. Powerless and defenseless, they become playthings in the hands of the enemy himself. If God's Word is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6), then why should we be surprised that so many churches remain anemic, ineffective, and prone to error? You can do nothing of significance. You can win no battles when your only offensive weapon is sheathed. It is time, high time, we drew "swords."

Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light. - George Washington

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