And the good news must first be proclaimed to all nations. - Mark 13:10
While much is discussed and debated over the possible events leading up to the return of our Savior and King Jesus, the necessity of proclaiming the good news to all "peoples" (ethne) is not on the list of uncertainties. Earthquakes, famines, wars (and rumors of such) fill our news reports each (and it seems) every day and the prognosticators of the impending "Parousia" delight in pronouncing the end of this age and the need for everyone everywhere to "repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand."
Is the end near?
As near as your next breath, so yes, oh please yes, turn to Christ if you have not already done so. However, if you have already turned, if you already follow the Savior, there are those who have not yet heard and we must provide or be the means by which they hear.
The signs of our times are not heralds to run and hide, but rather ardent commands to be going.
The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner. - William Townsend