They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. - Luke 21:24
Every single president of the United States since Jimmy Carter has made some sort of attempt to bring peace to the Middle East, and each one (it seems) has in one way or another promised a peaceful end to the consistent conflict that rages there.
If it were only possible. Biblical prophecy declares that Jerusalem will never be at peace or (at least) will never know peace through conventional, earthly means. On the other hand, Christ-followers who desire the peace of Israel have a sure-fire solution to the age-old problem. It is called "evangelism."
For once all the peoples of the earth have heard the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ, then the biblical record informs us that all Israel will know that He is the Messiah and, upon the authority of God's Word, Jerusalem will finally know true and lasting peace.
Peace is inevitable. - Menachem Begin