"That very day Herod and Pilate became friends. Previously, they had been hostile toward each other." - Luke 23:12
There is an old idiom that states, "Politics makes strange bedfellows." It means that people who would normally dislike and avoid one another will work together if they think it is politically useful to do so (according to the Free Dictionary). This certainly seems true of our past elections (on both sides), it was a key to the defeat of Hitler in WWII, and such was the case with Pilate and Herod.
One man (the figurehead leader of an oppressed people), the other (a titular head of the local oppressor), Pilate and Herod became friends when confronted with the "problem" that was the Person of Jesus Christ. Neither one knew what to do with Him and neither one wanted to be responsible for His death. Though they abused and rejected Him, they were both afraid to kill Him. It seems that their shared fear united them as "friends."
If you follow Christ, you should not be surprised by the seemingly odd alliances resulting from a fear or dislike of the One whom you follow. Antipathy can make strange bedfellows, too, but no matter the strength of the enemy that is united against the cause of Christ, His purpose and plan cannot be defeated.
I give thanks unto my God for this; that I am found worthy to be among those whom the world hates. - Jerome