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Understanding Scripture

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.... - Luke 24:45

Many times in my ministry I have encountered people who tell me that they have difficulty understanding what they read in their Bible. As I have investigated the reasons, certain conclusions have been drawn.

One, a person's translation may be archaic. What might have been a dynamic work in the 1600's can be very difficult to understand in the 21st century. Good, accurate, modern English translations exist and may be more easily understood. This simple change has often helped a person get into the Word of God in order that it might get into them.

The other conclusion I have drawn is that some lack the interpreting presence of the Holy Spirit Himself. The disciples who followed Christ physically and personally could not understand the Scriptures until He "opened their understanding." I have seen many people suddenly begin to comprehend their Bibles upon conversion. The sanctified understanding of who Christ is serves as a translator illuminating the great truths of God's Word.

So the solution is simple. Gain Christ, get a Bible you can read (in your language), and get understanding.

In the divine Scriptures, there are shallows and there are deeps; shallows where the lamb may wade, and deeps where the elephant may swim. - John Owen

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