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What This World Needs

In those days YHWH began to reduce the size of Israel. - 2 Kings 10:32

The phrase "In those days" almost seems to indicate that the destruction of Israel (the northern 10 tribes) occurred instantaneously, but this was not the case. The fall of Israel began when Jeroboam became king and it continued until their eventual defeat and assimilation into the Assyrian Empire. In fact, their physical destruction was preceded by their spiritual degradation, a story-line that has been repeated throughout the annals of history in many of the world's greatest civilizations.


Many believe Rome fell due to a lack of moral conscience. Indeed, our own country's moral underpinnings seem to crumble a little more everyday and that erosion is coupled with our waning global influence. This did not happen overnight. With each moral defeat, our influence diminishes, our "size" reduces, our witness dies and the fault probably lies, at least in part, at the feet of the church.

We need to wake up, stand up, and speak up. This world needs the gospel.

When is revival needed? When carelessness and unconcern keep the people asleep. - Billy Sunday

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