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What Truly Matters

Peter and the other apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than human beings!” – Acts 5:29

I think we can all appreciate the holy boldness of Peter and the apostles as we see it expressed after Pentecost. They obediently proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ, were arrested, and placed in jail, but then once again returned to their preaching when released by the angel of God.

I also appreciate their humility. Though they were drawing large crowds, they never sought any personal popularity. They kept the focus where it belonged, which was on the Savior.


These men obviously displayed a laser-like concentration in all they sought to do for the Lord. Their lives were consumed by a singular desire to proclaim Christ to those who would listen as well as those who would not. It was this singularity of purpose that gave their lives purpose and kept them from unnecessary distraction. Likewise, it is what makes any Christ-follower effective. Keeping in mind the One we serve and why we serve Him is vital to our own spiritual success.


If a Christian leader lost everything, including something as transient as popularity or as serious as his or her life, it would not matter as long as Christ was glorified through it all.


In God's sight there can be nothing great in us, with one exception: our total receptivity to His will. – Jean-Pierre de Caussade

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