When Peter saw this, he addressed the people: “Men of Israel, why are you amazed at this? Or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made him walk?" - Acts 3:12
Could it be that in many parts of the world today we glorify the church more than Christ? In a day of mega-churches, mega-ministries, and mega-pastors, who receives the greatest fame and notoriety? Is it truly Christ? How one answers the following questions (or hears them answered) speaks volumes.
"You are not the person you used to be. How did you get this victory? What brought about this positive change in your life?"
Too often the answer is a church, a ministry, or a pastor, right? Yet, we all understand that none of these things has the power to do anything apart from Christ. If someone is redeemed by a program or person (other than Christ), their assurance is suspect at best. Only Jesus saves.
Let us always be sure to give credit where it is due. If we do not point others to the Savior, then they cannot truly be saved. We don't have to wonder "whodunit?" He did.
I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell. - William Booth
Booth was prophetic.