I always thank my God when I mention you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and faith toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints. - Philemon 4-5
Did Paul keep a prayer list?
To Philemon he wrote, "...when I mention you in my prayers...." The text doesn't really tell us if Philemon was a part of Paul's daily intercession or if he just came up in Paul's thoughts every so often. One thing for sure, Paul was praying for "Brother Phil."
How about another question? "Who's prayer list are you on?"
Prayer is the lifeblood and spiritual support system of every minister and ministry endeavor. How might someone in God's service ensure that when the saints are spending time alone with the Creator at least a portion of that conversation includes his or her ministry? From Paul's words about Philemon's life, we might draw some clues.
Philemon had love and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ and for all the saints. If you need people to pray for you and your ministry, this might be a good place to start. Love Jesus and love His church!
What a blessed habit I have found my prayer list, morning by morning, it takes me via the Throne of all Grace straight to the intimate personal heart of each one mentioned here, and I know that He Who is not prescribed by time and geography answers immediately. - Oswald Chambers