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Why Miss the Blessing?

"Well then," He told them, "give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's." - Luke 20:25

Seeking to catch Jesus in a statement that would give the Roman authorities a reason to arrest Him, Jewish leaders asked the Savior if it was lawful for an obedient child of God to pay taxes. Jesus deftly replied that in the matter of taxes it was possible to be obedient to both God and Rome.

Having worked as an accountant, I understand some of the U.S. tax code and have even prepared a few returns. When I counsel people in this area, I always tell them to pay the IRS everything they owe them, and not one penny more!

What puzzles me is that I have often met Christ-followers who would not think of underpaying their taxes, but have no problem holding back on funding God's purposes. In the first case, the punishment may be more tangible, but in the second, the consequences may be more damaging.

In the first case, the crime is against the State, but in the second, the greatest crime is against ourselves.Why miss the blessing that comes from the grace of giving to God's purposes?

The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets. - Will Rogers

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