This is why I endure all things for the elect: so that they also may obtain salvation, which is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. - 2 Timothy 2:10
Why would anyone put up with the rigors of ministry? Is it because it is easy? Granted, some do not seem to work very hard at it and many think that pastors (in particular) only work one day a week, but in reality the hours can sometimes be very long.
So, perhaps we do it for the money.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whoooo, that's a good one! While there might be a few in full-time ministry who make what could be considered "a lot of money," most would agree that ministers (as a whole) are not over-compensated.
Could it be the fulfillment that the service of God brings? I can attest to some of those feelings, but I also know that like all "feelings," they come and go.
As I have looked at it, I can only come up with one answer as to why anyone would put up with the rigors of ministry and it is this. Christ's ministers serve that others might be saved and that Christ might be glorified. If this is not enough, then I doubt a person will go on serving for long.
This crown of life will be worth all it has cost of trial and endurance to obtain it; and without these it could not be obtained. - Hannah Whitall Smith