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You Can't Do It Alone

"What you’re doing is not good," Moses’ father-in-law said to him. "You will certainly wear out both yourself and these people who are with you, because the task is too heavy for you. You can’t do it alone." - Exodus 18:17-18

As a leader (and sometimes teacher of leadership seminars), I have often used the example of Jethro's counsel referenced above to instruct others on the importance of shared responsibility. In most cases, the emphasis was on all the ways a leader is negatively affected (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) by the burden of incessant decision-making.

Fact is, everyone's (including the leader and those being led) life is adversely affected by such a scenario. When leadership is not shared, followers are worn out as well. An over-worked leader soon becomes ineffective and ineffectiveness makes everyone's job/ministry more difficult, even impossible at times.

Perhaps the best solution is this. If you lead, then make/multiply leaders and empower them. If you follow, then step up and take responsibility while also offering yourself as another who is willing to shoulder the load.

People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives. - Theodore Roosevelt

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