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Your Beer-Sheba

Therefore that place was called Beer-sheba because it was there that the two of them swore an oath. – Genesis 21:31

Oaths are pretty important, right? For example, the President of our country took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We would like to see him honor that oath, right? Beer-sheba is the Hebrew word that means "The Well of the Oath." It was the name given to the place that marked the solemn agreement (the oath) between Abraham and Abimelech.

Speaking of oaths, did you know that you also took one when you united with your local church? Most congregations have covenants and when a person becomes a member of a local expression of Christ's Body, they agree to obey the terms of that covenant. In effect, church membership implies an oath, a "contractual" relationship between all those involved. Perhaps if we understood this fact, we would take it more seriously. On the other hand, maybe that is why so many seem reluctant to take that step these days.

Every church should be a memorial to the binding covenant that exists between each member and between that membership and the Savior; yet, how easy it is to break this covenant! Please reconsider your relationship with the family of God and renew your commitment to establish and/or honor your "Beer-sheba" today.

A covenant made with God should be regarded not as restrictive but as protective. – Russell M. Nelson

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